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.Monday, March 10, 2008 ' 1:45 PM Y
making memories


After much slogging and half-asleep journey to work everyday, its finally my last week of work! I am so happy! Now, there's no need for me to wake up super early everyday and having to squeeze in the bus to get to work! I am planning to look for contract work that last for maybe 2 to 3 weeks. Then I will be able to rest for a week before my holiday trip to Japan! It's been finalized! I'll be going to Japan - Hokaido on 25 April 2008. Will be touching down in Singapore on 1 May 2008 at around 5pm. So looking forward to it!

(Note to self: remember to find out from the guys in the various groups where in Hokaido and Tokyo can I buy mangas.)

Speaking of work, I am happy but at the same time kind of sad to leave this company. I will miss everyone here. They've been quite fun to work with and super nice to me during my 1 month plus here.

Wei said that she found a cheap place for karaokeing in Chinatown. Must ask Charmaine there someday. That's all for today! Time to work.

Bye all~

with you

.Friday, February 15, 2008 ' 1:41 PM Y
making memories

First of all, let me wish everyone a very Happy Chinese New Year. May you get lots of ang paos. =) I am now at work. Work's been super boring, all I've been doing is data entries, getting datas from the staff, answering phone calls (something that I hate to the core), opening the door for visitors or courier mans. My work here is pretty mundane. As most of you probably read from my earlier posts, I like doing work that is fun, and contains something new every day.

Anyway, guess what?! I am going to Japan at the end of April!! I'm so excited! Japan has been on my 'most wanted to go country' for ages! I am going to Japan - Hokaido to be exact. The date is not fixed yet. Hopefully, it will be confirmed by the end of February. =)

That's all. Gotta work now. take cares.
Stay strong and healthy!

with you

.Sunday, December 02, 2007 ' 1:33 AM Y
making memories

I am quite tired but happy at the same time. It's pure euphoria! Today, I had a really boring day - that is until evening time. I spent the day as per normal, meaning I woke up, go online, watch anime, THE USUAL.

For dinner, I went to The Oasis located at the Singapore Indoor Stadium with my aunties, uncles and cousins (THIRTY of us in total). I think the reason we went all the way there for dinner is because of us - Chamaine, Wei and I). We had porridge and some side dishes. The porridge was not bad. I liked the tapioca a lot! It's sweet and a little mushy! So there's no need to chew a lot, which is the type of food that I prefer. Maybe cause I am too lazy to chew! Anyway, we had meat(fabulous although quite fattening), tofu (nice and cold), beef (tender), Veggie (green?), eggs and stuff. Overall, I would give it a 8.5 out of 10. I certainly won't mind dinning there again. You must be thinking if the food is that good, why am I blogging so little about it right? Well the truth is, as fabulous as the food is, it is not the highlight of the day.

The highlight of the day is:

I went to《一支獨SHOW》羅志祥新加坡演唱會2007! For those of you who does not understand Chinese, just read from the picture okay? I went with Charmaine and Wei. Too bad there's no pictures of the concert, because silly us did not think of bringing a camera and the only phone we had was low on battery.

We had a fun time at the concert. There's this funny part where 羅志祥, aka Show, is about to sing a love song. So same as the other concerts of his in Taiwan, he invited a 'lucky person' up on stage to sing with him. But this time round, there's a bit of a difference as the 'lucky person' was chosen using the Vegas-slot-machine way - meaning the numbers will roll until we shout stop and the 'lucky person' whose seat number is on the screen gets to go up and sing the love song with him. But heaven wasn't on Show's side because the 'lucky person' ended up to be guy! That guy, whose name is Jeff (I think), is a good sport and he went up and sang the love song with Show. It is the funniest moment of the concert. The backstage workers were having a field time laughing. Anyway, if you want to know more, be sure to check out 娛樂百分百 on either Monday or Tuesday. I have a hunch that 小鬼 will be talking about it.

I think all of you probably knows that the guess of the concert is 杨丞琳 Raine which kind of dampen my mood. No offence to all her fans, but I don't really like her dancing. I will admit that her songs are nice and that her singing has improved tremendously, but kindly stick to singing. It would be better if Jolin 蔡依林 is the guest. Then we can see Show and Jolin dancing. That would be hawt! Anyway, when Raine comes on stage, everyone started getting up going to the toilet. It's kind of funny cause everyone has the same thinking as us because that's what the three of us did.

There's this lady at the concert who is super high. During the whole concert, she'll will be standing up and waving her hands along with the songs. You must be thinking 'what's so weird about that' right? The problem is, she's the only one doing that! Those seating around her, including the 2 friends that she went with, were all seating down and she's the only one standing. When Show sings a song that she likes, she will be jumping up and down, waving her hands, totally ignoring the rest of the people in the concert hall. So, we kept saying that she 自High.

Basically, we meet quite a number of 'interesting' people at the concert. There's this hot dog stand lady whose dress looks exactly like the shelter of the hot dog stand. It's red and white stripes! Then, there's this guy who looks quite nerdy, dressed in a green tee and khaki bermuda shorts who keep walking up and down before the concert starts. There's also this guy who sprinkle some shiny stuff on his head, which is totally pointless if u ask me cause who will be able to see it when the lights goes out? We named him the diamond dandruff guy because we have this thinking that he ate a lot of diamonds that's why his 'dandruff' is so shiny. Overall, we had a fun time listening to songs, swaying along, doing some 'dancing' and bitching about people at the concert! I would say it's certainly a time well spent.

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with you

.Friday, November 30, 2007 ' 9:47 PM Y
making memories

Ever have a moment where you're glad to be rid of something but at the same time you are at a loss as to what to do? Guess what? That's what I am currently going through!

I am finally free of the irritating excuse for a job, but now that I am jobless, I've got no idea what to do. Don't get me wrong. I am happy that the nightmare is over. Now that I have so much free time, there's simply nothing for me to do! I have went to the mall, went on shopping sprees that left me broke, went out with friends, went out with cousins (which is a disaster), surf the net, catch up on the fics that I've missed and anything else that I can think of. So now, I am at a loss. Any ideas?

Next, onto the disaster outing with my cousins on Monday. We met up together to go to Settlers Cafe. We meaning me, wei, Charmaine, Ryan and Renee. Anyway, the 'outing' is on Monday as you can already guess. But apparently, heaven wasn't on our side as it rained when we were eating lunch at a Japanese restaurant in the middle of nowhere. Then we proceed to make our way to Settlers Cafe to find that it's close on Mondays! There goes our plan for the day. So we decided to go watch movie.

We ended up at Plaza Sing watching Bratz. It was not bad over all even though it's kind of childish and the girls in it was quite bimbotic. After that we went to Tiong Bahru Plaza to collect our tickets for 罗志祥's concert. It will be happening tomorrow!

That's all for today. Will blog about the concert after tomorrow. Take Care!

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with you

.Thursday, November 22, 2007 ' 2:31 AM Y
making memories

Okay, I'm here to blog about the past one year as promised. But I do not really have an idea of where should I start. I guess I should just mention the important or the more 'drastic' issues. Well, lots of things had happened, both good and bad, though I believe the good out weigh the bad.

First of all, I am happy to announce that I am graduated from Ngee Ann Poly! Phew, after three long years of slacking, guy watching (though there weren't really much eye candy), hanging around in the canteens/computer lab, simply just sitting at one corner crapping with friends, skipping lessons so that we can go for sushi together (yes! Believe it or not, the whole gang of us skipped the same lesson for the Sakae Buffet at orchard), and lots of other events, I am finally out of the school! I am kinda (very much) looking forward to a new environment, but at the same time I'll be missing the times spent with my friends. But I have yet to decide on what to do next. Though I am taking up some courses to pass time, namely - driving (already started learning)and learning Japanese (waiting for the next intake).

Now, onto the bad. Oh, you know what? I don't really feel like talking about it. Maybe it is because that's the kind of person I am. I do not like to dwell on bad memories, neither do I like to hold a grudge. I live firmly by the concept that if it already happens, no point thinking on it. No point crying over spilt milk. We should always look to the future and make the best out of the situation. Man, I feel so educated! So, no mentioning of bad memories though I will still do the occasionally angry or sad posts when the situation arise.

Okays, now onto the present. Currently, I am holding a temp job and have yet to decide on the future. Any ideas? I am thinking of maybe going overseas to study. But I don't think I'll do that. Not only does it cost a bomb, but me living alone in a foreign country is scary. I am already so playful and not studying when my parents are here to control me, imagine what would happen if I am alone overseas! Though, I think it would be a good experience for me. For one, I would be able to learn to be more independent, to take care of myself, be more matured (hopefully), be wiser and to know a little more about the world outside. Maybe I should go for those where I will only need to go oversea for the third year. Then, I experience life alone but at the same time, will not miss my family so much. What do you think? Or should I just enrol in the university here? It would be cheaper, though still a bomb (maybe a small bomb^^) but I will still be here with my family and friends. Argh! I am at a lost. I guess I should think about it. Though in the mean time, I will go check up more on the universities available.

Lastly, a picture of my current obession. Gackt Camui!

He's the sexiest man alive! I like his voice alot - so deep, manly and sexy!! I probably sound like a squealing fangirl, but that's probably because I am one! haha.

Take cares!

with you

.Tuesday, November 20, 2007 ' 3:21 AM Y
making memories

Hey guys. I'm finally back after a long hiatus. Can't believe that it's already been a year! Time passes really fast when you are busy huh?! Anyway, from now on I will make an extra effort to post more often. Though I doubt it will be as much as you would like me to. Probably like twice a month or something? haha. Hopefully more updates if I have the time. Anyway, lots of things had happened and I don't feel like typing a long post in the middle of the night. Perhaps I'll post it tomorrow or something. Take Cares!

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with you

.Thursday, October 05, 2006 ' 9:38 AM Y
making memories

Argh.. once again i'm blogging after a LONG break.. haha. Well, it's the holidays now.. School gonna start soon though. And I'm very bored. I'm certainly not cut out for working. I'm doing a temp Admin Assistant now. And it's really boring. It's boring when I've got nothing to do and boring even when I've got tonns of work to do!! lolx.. basically, working life sux. I'm supposed to be working now. But it's so boring I've decided to blog while waiting for the documents to be printed. =) I like to make full use of my time. Anyway, will blog again later.. Am going to eat mooncakes now ^^ it's really nice. Yummy!!

with you


Welcome to my blog!
I am not accountable for any trumatising on you =)
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quote of the day

just a girl

Jamie. 20 yo
just grad from Ngee Ann Poly, BEM


`currently super crazy about Gackt ^^ `chatting
`my phone
`playing games
`my room
`my laptop
`my mp3
`blue colour


`following instruction
`broken promises
`being told what to do


`a new bag
`clothings (there's never enough)
`go on a holiday oversea
`lip gloss
`lip balm
too lazy to type more.


picture editor/background editor : yo0ndaiimez (:
basecode combining:Cubes
Basecodes: Yanting, Wenhui, Blend-ed.notes♥